Categories: Opinion

Happy National Read A Book Day

National Read a Book Day


Yesterday, Sep. 6th, was National Read a Book Day. I posted a quick video on TikTok that I would like to share it here.



While National Read a Book Day is believed to have originated in the US, other details of the day’s history are unclear. What is clear, though, is Americans’ love for books! And, for many, this is a welcomed day because 81% of us don’t feel we spend as much time reading as we would like. So, today is the perfect opportunity to set aside a little time to catch up on our “to read” list. The popularity of book clubs points to our ongoing love for books.

They date back to the 1600s with women’s Bible studies. But, in the last few decades, reading has taken on a much more social element influenced, in large part, by Oprah Winfrey’s Book Club. Starting in 1996, Oprah’s Book Club recommended 70 books contributing to over $55 million in sales and has been credited with inspiring millions of people to read books.

Over 74% of Americans have read at least one book in the last 12 months. Sure, the busyness of life definitely gets in the way of our reading pursuits with many other activities competing for our time. Luckily, electronic platforms have made it easier for us to read on the go. Almost 20% of books consumed are now via electronic platforms.

Whatever format you prefer, grab or download the book on the top of your stack and dive in!

Source: National Today


#books #booktube #booktok #peacemindedly #peacetalkwithsara #bookreview

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Sara S. Jamshidi: Sara S. Jamshididi is an American-Iranian journalist and entrepreneur. Sara is the founder of Goltune. She has worked in every aspects of print and broadcast media in the U.S. and Iran.