Categories: Makeup

7 Products that save your skin during dry summer

the girl is happy summer sun

Summary: A few suggestions for women who want to have a beautiful skin during dry summer

Writer: Emily Siegel

Source: Forbes

The final weeks of Summer can be tough on the skin. For one, June and July were spent drinking rosé and lying out in the sun. And then, just when we realize how dehydrated we are, the sticky humidity of August swoops in with breakouts. It can be impossible to find right level of moisture when your skin is both dry and clogged—especially when your entire regimen must fit in a weekend bag.

“Dehydration is more common during the summer and sweat can clog your pores,” explains celebrity aesthetician Shani Darden. “But the most important thing is to protect your skin from the sun, because that damage is extremely hard to reverse later in life.”

So, obviously we need a great sunscreen. (I like EmerginCand Mad Happie, both of which rely on nontoxic zinc oxide.) But, according to the cosmetic dermatologist behind the Kardashian’s flawless complexions, it’s equally as important to keep your skin cool.

“Summer heat that makes the skin feel flushed can bring out melasma, hyper-pigmentation and rosacea,” Dr. Simon Ourian adds. “And humidity, which is usually good for dry skin, can make conditions like Eczema worse.”

Read more @ Forbes

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